Please remain frustrated by the perpetrators of wellness culture and please take many a whacks at those folks. Here for that! Also, that last quote about hopefulness -- I fear I've been that unsatisfied person my entire life, and need to let that shit go, so I can relax with who I am, and where I am.

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' “Without giving up hope—that there’s somewhere better to be, that there’s someone better to be—we will never relax with where we are or who we are.” In that sense, I guess you could say this newsletter will be a journey in hopelessness, an exercise in unwellness. Yes, yes, I think that’s good enough for now.'

Fricking love this Garrett. And congrats on the wee girl.

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Very glad to have you back (not that you were ever gone, of course, but, you know, on the platform, in my inbox) and will be eagerly reading you wherever Healings decides to go.

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