Today, June 27th, back in 2022, Joe, the love of my life, and I shared some very tender moments before getting up out of bed. Some five hours later, Joe set out on a long bike ride. At 6:19 pm, he called to tell me that he was close to home. 30 minutes later, he arrived. An hour later, I called 911. Joe was no longer breathing and had no pulse. The paramedics cardioverted his heart and inserted a ventilator into his throat. At Hoag Emergency, the cardiologist on staff told me, "Joe is going to die soon." I sat at his bedside for another 16 hr. At 2:03 pm, June 28th, he responded to my "Joe, I love you," with a tear rolling down his cheek and then he died. Big ouches today....

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Happy one year bday

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I don't know why I did this, but there was a time when I turned my Facebook wall to private so people couldn't wish me happy birthday.

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